Our mission

Nature and ecosystems form the basis of many rural livelihoods and are deeply entrenched in Kyrgyz culture and identity. Coming from a civil society movement that started in the early 2000s, we at Unison Group are strongly committed to safeguarding Kyrgyzstan’s natural heritage and resources for our future generations and to advocate a development path that reconciles economic prosperity, environmental sustainability, good governance and modern technologies. We believe that these issues are vital for overcoming Kyrgyzstan’s most pressing challenges and will be key to achieving poverty, regional imbalances, political instability and gender inequality.

Unison strongly adheres to the principles of transparency, democracy, freedom of speech, and gender equality. We see ourselves as representatives and advocates of those who have no voice and who are the ones most affected by climate change, environmental pollution and social repression. Unison is an independent and unbiased organization that neither supports any political party nor accepts grants and donations from the Kyrgyz government. Unison finances itself exclusively through international donor assistance and contracts.

Our Vision: Our vision of Kyrgyzstan is that of an independent and self-reliant country that offers its people dignity, basic human rights, freedom of speech and high living standards. We envision Kyrgyzstan to become a multi-lingual and peaceful country that is governed by the rule of law, high levels of education, a healthy environment, functioning ecosystems and a robust economic growth.

Our Mission: Unison’s mission is to advance sustainable development, environmental protection and social justice in Kyrgyzstan. Unison works to safeguard Kyrgyzstan’s endowment with natural resources, unique ecosystems and biodiversity richness and balancing economic prosperity, regional stability and social fairness. Our interventions are aimed at large-scale, long-term and positive changes in Kyrgyzstan’s energy, climate, environmental and governance sectors.

Our Values: Leadership, Innovation, Professionalism

Our Approach

Unisons’ success owes itself to strong regional partnerships, participatory networks and constructive alliances with key stakeholders in Kyrgyzstan. Our partnerships involve local, national and multilateral institutions, state authorities and relevant ministries (such as the Ministry of Energy and Industry, Ministry of Economy, State Agency on Architecture, Construction and Housing, State Agency on Environmental Protection), educational establishments and universities, businesses and civil society. This cooperative approach has enabled us to obtain significant local support, high-quality expertise and detailed information on domestic energy and environmental issues, as well as valuable insights into existing challenges of the Central Asian region.